Joseph Zirker has developed two major printmaking techniques that use acrylics, gels and media to make monotype and intaglio prints.  He holds US Patent 6,662,143 B2 for a printmaking process. A second patent application is pending.

His process blends printmaking with artistic talent to create monotypes, monoprints, editionable intaglio prints, collages and 3-dimensional works of art without the use of printing presses.

Explanation Of Terms

See an explanation of printmaking terms and traditional techniques.



The Cast Acrylic Print_pic2.jpg

The Cast Acrylic Print: A new approach in the making of monotypes & intaglio prints without pressure

Translucent Transformations.jpg



Published by de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara, CA

Texts by Robert Flynn Johnson

Anita Ventura Mozely

Rebecca M. Schapp

Karen Kienzle

Joseph Zirker